Planning future weekends and vacations.

Visited the Nezu Museum.

Beautiful garden outside of the Nezu Museum.

After the Nezu Museum I sat down at Tsutaya Books to work a little.

Also took a short trip to the Todoroki Valley to enjoy the scenery.

Todoroki Valley

On my way home that day.

The Penis festival in Kawasaki. Don't ask me how I found this event...

People dressed up in various outfits, a lot of men dressed up as edo-era prostitutes, couldn't catch a photo of this however.

Penis lollipops. I gave this one away

I did eat this one though!

After the parade we went to the food market. Almost all food was shaped in a specific manner.

I ate some Okonomiyaki at a street vendor.

Me and Eric went and saw King Kong in 4D at Shinjuku Toho Cinema

Sushi afterwards ;)

Went drinking with Jorge and Ryo